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If we sparked your curiosity and you would like to see more, feel free to visit our store in the beautiful town of Oberammergau.
We are looking forward to meeting you soon!
All the best,
the Pfaffenzeller family

Book: München - Stadt der Künste: Kulturgeschichte vom Mittelalter bis heute
Recently, we have become proud contributor to the latest publication about Great Cultural History of Munich!
This article (pp. 30-33) describes the Morris Dancers based on the models of Erasmus Grasser that have been carved and painted by us. The author Berthold Neff came all the way to beautiful Oberammergau to see our craft so he could give a detailed description in his book.
Publisher: Martin Bernstein, Wolfgang Görl
In case you are interested - here you can find the shop.
Of course there is also a copy in our store.