Easter Lamb for St. Peter and Paul Villmar
Before Easter, we were fortunate enough to accept an order for the parish church of St. Peter and Paul in Villmar: An Easter lamb with halo on the book with seven seals, based on the original piece of the parish church of St. Peter and Paul in Oberammergau.
You will find more photos when clicking directly on the picture.
Iconographically speaking, the new lamb as victim is referring to the position of the tabernacle and, remaining dormant on the book with seven seals, points out the apocalypse as well as the final victory of the Lord for salvation of us all. (Bernold Feuerstein, 2015)
Nativity Scene Bonner Münster 2016
We are very proud that this year, again we had the honor of creating two figures for the Bonner Münster!
"Krippe zeigt nicht nur heile Welt"
"Das Bonner Münster geht neue Wege, wir gehen mit"
"Jesuskind kommt mitten in Bonn zur Welt"
Nativity Scene Burgellern
We are thrilled about the quotes from Burgellern:
"At Klucker Wood Carving, whe found what she had been looking for: "He creates the most beautiful faces, each one is individual", said Schuster".
Hier der Link zur Entstehnung der Krippe in Burgellern
Nativity Scene Bonner Münster
Currently I am designing and carving the figures for modernly clad crib figures size 40cm. Starting in December, you will be able to visit the nativity scene in the minster of Bonn - here is a teaser:
Articles regarding the nativity scene:
"Making of der Bonner Stadtkrippe"
"Stadtkrippe will aufrütteln und aufmerksam machen"
"Das Jesuskind kommt mitten in Bonn zur Welt"
"Neue Kirppe im Bonner Münster bringt Bethlehem nach Bonn"